
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2018


Today I will talk about music. In general, I like music a lot, but it has not been very important to me. I really like listening to music from almost every style -yes, even classical music- but I've never played an instrument, I've always been more about drawing and those things. But I feel that music has helped me a lot in life, it gives me encouragement when I'm happy or depressed, It helps me concentrate and serves in many other moments. Music has also led me to meet many people who are great friends today, I do not have a favorite music style, but I listen a lot of Japanese and Korean pop / rock, where fanclubs and other groups are formed- in the case of k-pop, dance groups-   where ties and good communities are generated. I could not choose the best singer in the world, because there are classics that although I do not listen to them, they are wonderful bands or singers, but if I had to choose the best one within the music genre that I most listen to, i...


The theme of concerts is something that I really like, my fanaticism for the concerts left the year 2009, with the first concert of the Jonas Brothers in Chile hahaha, after that I have not stopped!.   I've been to concerts of different musical styles: North American pop, Korean pop, Korean rock, Japanese rock and Chilean music. But I'll tell you about the last concert I went to, It was a little over a week ago, on the 12th of October at the "Teatro Teletón", the group was a Japanese rock band called SPYAIR, they showed up with another band,   Rookiez Is Punk’d. I knew the two bands for Japanese series soundtrack songs that I've seen, so during the concert it was very entertaining to sing the songs with which I met them. The truth is that my priority was SPYAIR, but the other band gave me such a good impression that I am now their fan. The atmosphere was very pleasant, the assistants were very respectful and nobody pushed, We jumped and shout...
A country I'd like to visit is Japan This country is an archipelago consisting of 4 islands in East Asia, the main island is called honshu and in this place is its capital: tokyo. The truth is that since I was little I wanted to visit this country because I liked anime (Japanese animation), but over time it changed, I knew a little more about its culture and I liked it. It is a country with a lot of technology, but at the same time it keeps its traditions well, like the different temples  and the castle throughout the country, for example there is a city called kyoto, one of the best cities if you want to know the Japanese tradition. I would like to live there for a short time, they have a great culture of recycling, it would be great to learn that from them. It would also be good to visit in the spring, as they have the habit of attending a park full of cherry blossoms.

Studying in Santiago

Hi everyone, today I am going to tell you a little about how it has been for me to live and study in Santiago. Really it was not very difficult for me to study in Santiago, I was quite independent and what affected me the most was being away from my friends.  I previously studied at the University of Talca, It was a very big campus with large green areas, ¡there was even a botanical garden with animals! Studying in Santiago is different, there are no green areas, only buildings and cars. But studying in Santiago has many benefits, there are panoramas every weekend and it's easier to attend concerts. In general I like to study in Santiago, although I miss the green areas, being in downtown is very convenient because everything is close, I really enjoy that.