My opinion

Hi, today I will talk in this post about some options

What is your opinion about recycling?

Resultado de imagen para zero wasteRecycling is not widely practiced in Chile, in general there are few people who promote this and seek that the waste of each one is not a waste that ends up in a landfill, they look for a second use. Although I think that recycling should be the second option in terms of sustainability, because the first one should be not emit waste(zero waste), avoid emitting garbage, For purchases for example, try to buy everything in bulk, in Santiago there are particularly several stores of this type.
The little garbage that we produce should be compostable or recyclable, in this way we can help the environment

What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in all case?

Abortion should be a right, The capacity of the woman to decide on her own body and on the life that can be born is essential. I think it's not as simple as giving birth, as pro-life think, having a child involves a lot of things that can not always be guaranteed, from emotional issues to economic issues.

What is your opinion about obstetric violence?

This is a topic that I've learned a lot about the last time, , I have a matron friend who loves her profession a lot and she told me a couple of things that happen at the moment of childbirth. In many health facilities, not only public, but also private, doctors treat pregnant women poorly at the time of delivery, to such a level that this can lead to lawsuits. women should not be mistreated during pregnancy, at the time of delivery or postpartum by the doctors and the rest of the health personnel, it is a violation of women's rights and human rights, although the most visible is obstetric violence at the physical level, psychological violence is the most repeated and least visible.

What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet?

Lately it has become popular to have exotic animals as pets, many times people only have them because they are cute or they seem interesting, but I think it's not okay to have exotic animals as pets, they are used to other habitats and there are often people who traffic these animals when it is illegal to have them.

Resultado de imagen para yo opino 31 minutos gif



  2. I've also read a couple of article about obstetric violences as the subject is being brought up recently, and I think we tend to minimise these violences, reproducing gender roles and misogyny


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