Hello, today I will talk about my opinion of my career and what should change.
Resultado de imagen para eggp

To begin, the bachelor's degree is in Political and Government Sciences with a major in Public Management or in Political Science, but I think the mention in political science is to aspire to open the race by the institute, this year it was achieved and next year the first generation of political science enters. Personally, I do not like having four courses of research, in the first two I learned the same thing and even in the third one goes back to review, it is a constant repetition of matter, the elimination of one or two courses would decrease the academic load, because doing four different research or research projects for four consecutive semesters is exhausting, especially because not everyone will be dedicated to the academy.

Resultado de imagen para odio matematicasOn the other hand, in the first year the career has two courses of mathematics, where you learn math without knowing that we apply it later, they are just exercises and the teachers do not relate the subject with the career. 

As for infrastructure, this year is more comfortable than the previous ones, but there are still things like a comfortable place to eat lunch or a decent gym, especially in summer that is very hot and has no air conditioning.

In general, the classes integrate technology well, but related to the previous point, there are not enough computers for a class or when there are statistics tests.

Finally the methods of the teachers vary, there are some more exhibitors, who only care that in the test we answer the same as it says in the books and others, that I think are the best, that they worry that we analyze and criticize the texts, I think you learn much more like this, more didactic forms.


  1. sport activities are important at the college, I think it is necessary to have a bigger gym


  2. It would be great to have a better gym with new machines

  3. Andrea I think the whole fifth floor should be arranged to be the gym!!!

  4. I know it can be improved, but it's already really great to have a gym inside the university ! We don't have any in mind :/


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